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The Thought Process Behind


African women account for 58% of the continent's informal economy, which is the part of any economy that is neither taxed nor monitored by any form of government — i.e. street vendors, traders, etc. Africa also produces more female entrepreneurs than any other region in the world, yet they face many challenges that prevent them from reaching their full potential despite the fact that their initiative and drive is a contributing factor towards economic prosperity. Female entrepreneurs in Africa face problems stemming from lack of access to capital, development programs, mentoring, networks, and the business tools to scale up their business idea. This is even more amplified as all solutions to address the problem are external, foreign, and mostly transactional without adaptations for individual communities and their problems. We are challenging this idea by placing our bets on African women to be the leading force in economic development for the continent.

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Our mission is to connect up and coming African based female entrepreneurs to funding, mentorship and education driven by unconventional & revolutionary social impact metrics rather than traditional ROI. 


Our vision is to foster economic self-sufficiency among entrepreneurial women in developing regions by providing them with the tools to find solutions to their own problems, and in the process we hope to create a domino effect of influence, innovation and impact.

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