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Our Approach

Redefining Philanthropy

Aminat Ventures is on a mission to eclipse and disrupt archetypal and outdated modes of philanthropy in Africa. Traditional models of philanthropy are often reactive, rather than proactive creating a system of reliance that leave citizens dependent on the good unilateral will of others rather than addressing the root causes of problems or working to prevent them from occurring in the first place. 


At Aminat Ventures, we are committed to interrogating and intervening in the power dynamics that shape how resources have been mobilized and distributed over time, and ensuring that the flow of resources does not compromise the dignity of African communities. We believe the local people should have the agency to determine the terms and purposes of philanthropic giving and are committed to empowering them to do so. 


We are not here to be saviors or to be a band-aid solution, we are here to democratize access to funding, mentorship, and business skills while understanding and meeting the needs of the communities we operate in. We are leading a new wave of philanthropy driven by unconventional social impact metrics that create self-sufficient, economically sound, sustainable, and empowered communities in the short and long run.    



Our Social Impact Metrics


Direct Impact

Related to people who are directly impacted by the funding ie cohort women, their households and mentors they engage with.


Economic Impact

Related to the financial goals on both a personal, community, business and national level.


Community Impact

Related to community wide benefits, how the indirect impacts of the funding and mentorship are measured and experienced.

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